Friday, October 10, 2008
About Me
- Name: shazzie
- Location: Essex, United Kingdom
i am 38 years young, i have a 13yr old daughter, a 6 year old daughter and a 3yr old son they keep me sooo on my toes that i dont know my arse from my elbow some days. Although now i just lock them in the broom cupboard if they get too naughty.

You are The Wheel of Fortune
Good fortune and happiness but sometimes a species of intoxication with success
The Wheel of Fortune is all about big things, luck, change, fortune. Almost always good fortune. You are lucky in all things that you do and happy with the things that come to you. Be careful that success does not go to your head however. Sometimes luck can change.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
Previous Posts
- HSBC fun day
- How long!!!
- Leigh-on-sea, Easter hols
- snow snow snow
- Tattoo Convention London
- OH MY GOD!!!!!!.................... I HAVE INTERNET
- home made mini chocolate eclair
- I have been tagged
- Wohooo parrrrty
- Another LO
- April 2006
- May 2006
- June 2006
- July 2006
- August 2006
- September 2006
- October 2006
- November 2006
- December 2006
- January 2007
- February 2007
- March 2007
- April 2007
- June 2007
- July 2007
- August 2007
- September 2007
- October 2007
- November 2007
- January 2008
- March 2008
- April 2008
- May 2008
- June 2008
- September 2008
- October 2008
- February 2009
- April 2009
- June 2009
- July 2009